ValidatorNode is happy to present a new/updated website for our visitors.
New/Updated Website
At, our goal has always been to be open and transparent to our visitors. As such, ValidatorNode has launched a new website to help us achieve that goal.
Our plan over the coming weeks is to use our website/blog as a conduit for disseminating as much information about Services as possible.
Main Home Page
The ValidatorNode main page provides visitors with a high-level overview of our services. The main page includes;
- Overview of Services – provides a brief overview of our services
- Infrastructure Benefits – a summary overview of the features/benefits we offer
- Proof of Stake Nodes – latest listing of active/pending networks we support
- Important Statistics – a few important statistics about our services
- Our Contact Form – use this form for obtaining assistance about ValidatorNode services
We designed our Home Page as a one-page scrolling overview of our services. This One-Page approach provides a fast and easily accessible method for visitors to understand what is all about.
Network Specific Pages
For each network we support, we will offer a network page which provides specific details about the subject network.
For instance, we currently have an active validator operating for the AKASH Network. Hence, we have created a page which provides the information necessary for potential delegators, to our Akash Validator, to make decisions and understand the steps needed to begin delegations.
As time goes on, we will add/enhance the set of supported Network pages.
We are extremely excited and happy to launch our new website. We believe this new medium will provide us with the ability to better communicate with our visitor, delegator, and investor community. We encourage you to visit our website frequently and stay up-to-date on ValidatorNode business activity and growth.
ValidatorNode is a Proof of Stake (POS), Validator as a Service (VaaS) provider. We offer Validator Service Infra-Structure, for multiple crypto-currency networks, using best in class architecture to ensure secure, stable, and reliable Validator Nodes for your delegations assignment.
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